Saturday, October 3, 2009

thinking Halloween

I asked the kids what they wanted to be for Halloween. Needless to say this was after the fact that I went to Once Upon a Child to find their costumes. I honestly didn't think they would care. They are only 3 and I wasn't sure if they really knew that when we mentioned Halloween they would actually remember that is the holiday that we dress up and get candy. Anyway, Nathan wants to be a spider. I guess that shouldn't be too hard to make. Lillian said she wanted to be Harmony. I thought this was funny. Harmony is a little girl at church who they adore. They think she is absolutely hilarious! This weekend, we are going to a campsite where they do their own little trick or treating. Needless to say, Nathan is going to be Thomas and blow his whistle. Lillian says she is going to be Harmony but in reality she is in a Tinkerbell dress. It works. Tinkerbell and Harmony are both blond. Rose will be either a mini Tinkerbell or an M&M. Should be fun and hopefully I will have many pictures to blog soon!


Lillian and Nathan found our umbrella. Needless to say, it keeps them entertained for a while. It is really cute to hear them playing because they don't say it's an umbrella. They call it a rainbrella. Now, I think this new word makes more sense than umbrella. What is an "um" anyway? I'm not sure if I know the reason for calling it an umbrella and if I try to explain it to a 3 year old I'll probably convince myself that it should be called a rainbrella.

Jesus Loves the little children

Nathan and Lillian were singing "Jesus loves the little children" yesterday. Here is a recap of what was said.
Nathan, "Jesus loves the little children..." (singing a little loud)
Lillian, "Nate, just not so loud."
Nathan, "JESUS LOVES THE LITTLE CHILDREN..." (singing very loud)

By this time, I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop them. It was so hilarious! It's just typical sibling rivalry.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nathan and Rose

I was in the kitchen making dinner. Rose followed me with toys in her hand. She dropped them and started to play with the magnets on the refridgerator. Nathan comes running in and steps on one of her toys and starts to wimper about it. I gave him a hug and told him that I should have moved Rose's toys. He went on playing. Later, he went up to Rose and showed her his foot and said that she needed to pick up her toys because he got a boo boo from her toys being on the floor. All this while pointing to his hurt foot. I just thought it was cute that he was explaining himself to her while she was just looking at his foot and taking everything in as he was talking. Such a wonderful brother to both Lillian and Rose...not sure what I would do without him. He makes me smile and laugh. They all do though.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nathan and the potty

We've been trying off and on to potty train Nathan...but this weekend was when I started full force to get him to wear underwear. He's had your accidents here and there which is fine...I expected that. I didn't know what to expect when Rodney stayed home with him today. I thought it was not going to be good. I was dragging him to the potty whenever the timer went off. I couldn't imagine Rodney trying to take him. But he did. He called me at work to have Nathan tell me that he went potty. He stayed dry all day long. I was so excited I was about in tears at work. Not only did Nathan go to the potty when the timer went off, but he went before the timer went off at times. I am so thrilled!!! I can't believe I'm so excited over pee! who knew!?!

playing at Indiana Museum of Art

We went one night to just run around so I can play with my new camera at IMA. The kids absolutely had a wonderful time having the whole place to run around in. Here are a few pictures of the great time we had!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thomas the train

We went to see Thomas today and the kids LOVED it!!! They were all excited! Me being the corny mom got matching Thomas shirts for the day. They all had a great time! They loved the train ride. It was really hot but they did wonderful!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Papaw's birthday

We celebrated my dad's birthday at my sister's house. The kids loved Uncle Andy's helicopter. They also loved the cake...Rose was one with hers.


We went down to my Aunt Marilyn's house (Mo's ) for vacation. The kids loved to swim in the pool. We had a really nice time.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

We had a nice Mother's Day. We broke out the cornhole game...the kids loved playing with it! We have to teach them early how to play with it being such a competitive sport and all. ha ha ha! They enjoyed being outside with us. We had a nice time!

Easter on the farm

Monday, April 27, 2009

nap time

Yesterday, Lillian took a nap. Nathan never did fall asleep. He was being very good, playing with his trains, helping me in the kitchen, etc. He just loved being the only one up because he knew he got all the attention. But, you could tell that he really wanted to play...with Lillian. She was finally awake but just laying on the couch. He looked at her eyes and excitedly said, "Lillian, you're awake!!!" then ran over to her and gave her a kiss. I just thought that was the sweetest thing.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

night night sun

We were at bible study the other night and we were leaving. We were saying bye to everyone. All of a sudden, I see Lillian and Nathan looking up in the sky and waving. They said, "Night night sun, we will see you tomorrow." I just thought it was really cute!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

my little cookie monsters

I had the pleasure of having the day off yesterday and spending time with my kiddos. I made chocolate chip cookies with the help of my sou chefs, Lillian and Nathan. As the cookies were coming out of the oven, they both wanted a cookie. I told them that they were still too hot and they needed to cool a little bit before having one. So what did they do? They started blowing on the cookies to cool them off faster. I thought that was so funny so I decided to write it on my facebook. As I was writing on facebook, Nathan comes in with chocolate all over his face saying that he had a big cookie. I laughed so hard. I of course had to get Lillian a cookie because she was in the computer room with me looking at pictures. When Rose got up she had a cookie too. They all seem to like cookies!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We celebrated Rose's 1st birthday yesterday. We had so much fun! Grandma and Aunt Gail came up from Jasper. Aunt Kimmie and Uncle Andy were there too along with mamaw and papaw. Lillian and Nathan had so much fun helping Rose open her toys up. They also had fun eating the cake as well. Rose had her fair share of the cake. My favorite was when they were all asleep in the car on the way home. Note to self...take pj's and change them before heading home.